Now that..

yey! akhirnye sy dh bgthu my bestfriend about we re sharing info about u love. skrg bru sy thu bnyk perkara about yourlife♥ seeing you everyday makes my day ♥


i dont think will be the same anymore... now i just wanna be your friend...
i love you.. but it hurts so much when i know youre always' near girls'

To Adik aND QIMI




stop with the shit

Stop with the shit girlfriend! stop harassing ma Wifeyy

mate bulat

hiss so annoying! stop it! jgn senyum dkt bdk lain





things i do with her
  • When some one hurts you and makes you cry a fake friend wouldn’t be concerned but a true friend would be like wheres my shovel I’m about to kill this sorry son of a b*tch.
  • The person you would like to watch a movie
  • Be in trouble. Your best friend will stand by you no matter what.
  • Being crazy together
  • hate the same thing
  • like the same thing
mate bulat got hurt again.. sian dia .. i cannt bear it.. rase nk tolong sngt2 tp malu sngt2.. im soryy :(

mate bulat so kind

His so kind . Dia selalu jge adik ye and selalu ponteng sbb adik dia (okay that was not very kind ). but yeah his so kind .. sanggup jage adik ye..

Mate Bulat Lg

someday by iu

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
When I feel that I’m getting tired of looking me exhausted,
I want to give all my dreams I’ve kept hard
very time I feel that I’m lacking in many things more than I have
I lost strength in my legs and drop down
I hope this tears will stop running someday

Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
But it makes me afraid little by little
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up

Someday my painful heart will get well
I hope it helps me now.
I hope the God will help me
I don’t have enough confidence more and more to overcome myself
I hope this tears will stop running someday

Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up

Someday my painful heart will get well

Someday… Someday…
someday we can be like this..

now i'm more confused

ecah said that ak suke capital H... ak tahu ak suke dia tp ak suka dia main main ke ak suke dia mcm ak suke mmate bulat ah?! ecah you helped me tp ak rase mcm makin pening.. sbb ak xleh kbr m mate bulat tu sape (tp yg paastinyer bkn pakwe mg yg songong tulahhhh!!! taik! puih!)

Waddup peeps?!

Waddup peeps?! sorry sbb lame x blog.. i went on a holiday.hehe
tp x snng mane holiday tu bcuz i miss him too much.. mate bulat i miss you bebeh and i miss my bff too Ecah <3

Waddup peeps?!

Waddup peeps?! sorry sbb lame x blog.. i went on a holiday.hehe
tp x snng mane holiday tu bcuz i miss him too much.. mate bulat i miss you bebeh and i miss my bff too Ecah <3

My wifeyy

my bff! dia selalu ade di situ. ade bila ak perlu kan dia.. bkn mcm org lain time senang diorang dtg. time susah diorang lari.  dia x prnh tinggalkan kite.. always support kite bile kite perlu kan dia.. Kitew syg sngt dia! forever and ever! plezz jgn lupekan kitew

ill kill you and ill make it look like a bloody eccident

cicak look up plezz stop it lah!! kite semua tahu yg cicak suke ke m dan m jgk suke ke ciciak!! x yah malu2 lah. semua org tahu dh! terima jelah dia ! jgn buat dia tunggu bcaz she is too good for you!! bla lah dgn ego m tu! Dia tu care gile psl m ! jgn buat dia tunggu kekgi dia lari dkt org lain baru tahu!!!!!

Ya Allah!

banyak giler post ak psl dia!!! AK MMG GILE KAN YER!!  tp skit je ak tAhu pasal yer.. i want to know more!!!!! more!!!!!!

3rd entry mate bulat

Aaarrghhh!! you are my weakness! seperti tjk ni mesti m tAHU ak akan cite ttg "DIA" lg kan? yup mmg btl.. td ak dpt jumpe yer !! rindu ak terus hilang.. bahagia ngat!!!!!!!!!!! tp tkt .. selalu gitu.. dia tngk je ak mase sn td.. ak pn tngk gok.. tp bkn ak yg mule dulu.. sbnrnya dia ddk menghadap ak tp meja dpn ak.. dan kwn ak tu ddk dkt dgn dia.. ak x hbs2 main ngan kwn ak.. then dia ingat ak tngk dia kot?! oMAIGADDDD! cammane ni!!! ak nk ckp ngan sape psl ni?! x dp org tahu psl 'dia' BTW MATe dia comel ngat bulat bsr2 gitu :*... camne esk ni? dia tahu dh ke? dia suke ak mcm ak suke dia x? tkt ahh!! kali tame ak rasew gini.. dulu mase kapel pn x rase gini..!! Ya Allah ye ke yg di takdirkan dgn ak?!  tkt arghhhh.. blh dk ye kbr ke ak.. ye suke ak ke dk?.. nk tanye?! jgn HARAp!!!! Not in a million years! ok!

mate bulat

AAAAaaaagghhh bkp lame ngat ni!!!

Ak rindu nk mampus! cuti 3 hari rase mcm 3 thn.. ak hrp ak dpt ambik gmbr dia buat memory untuk cuti 2 minggu ni!!

first enrty of mate bulat

Akhirnye dpt lupekan dia.. first crush at this school tp masalah baru plk dgn jiran dia
Bkp ye tngk ak?! mule2 ak x sdr pn yer wujud! tp lepas yer luke .. ak mule risau... !! BKP GINI!! dh lah dia tngk ak sokmo! ak pn x leh x tngk yer.. nk kene tngk yer tiap2 hari!! hate this feeling!! tp m nie cutelah.. cume m bnyk org wahi.. big prob!

bile yer ckp ngan ak ! Ya Allah ! nk gugur jantung ak!! eiii.. mesti m kate ak gedik tp ak rase ak btl2 suke dkt yer..

kwn ak yg pertama dan crush ak yg pertame

TAh. kwn ak! ak syg gile yer! org tame hk tegur ak.. kalu x bsn ah ak sekor situ.. best day ever! btw did i tell you yg ak ade crush dkt bdk sklh ak skrg ni? bkn waffle.. love at first sight.. tp ak x kan tgr yer.. bkn love pn kot mgkn sbb ak rindu waffle jd ak ganti ngan dia

his doing better

oklah dia text siang malam 24/7... tp kadang2 serabut! Dude i need some privacy! btw you don't own me!

Biarlah dulu dilupakan

MH... ok dia ajak ak kapel ngan yer.. tp ak belum terima lg .. ak x tahu nk terima ke dk? ak blm kenal dia lg pn.. ok tipulah! ak dh stalk dia bile dia ajak ak kapel..stalker?! this is for my own good baybeh! lama2 baru ak terima yer.. yer bkn lah lawo mcm artis .. mcm aiman rahman tu.. dia biasa2 je.. Sumpah ak x tahu bkp ak terima.. mungkin sbb ak pth hati ngan crush ak tu kot? or maybe sbb ak saje nk mempermainkan dia mcm yg lain.. ya Allah ak ni btl2 jht.. ak mntk maaf ngan m.. tp ak akan try sukekan m


Aisyah aka Wifey is ma new hope! shes there for me ..
and im not gonna waste this 7 years of friendship
Next to me is where shes always been

Hmm.. dulu..

TAH ak sayyyaaannngggg mg biarpun ramai org duk kutukx2 mg..... setiap kali org kutuk mg, maki hamun mg,cacatkan mg ak akan tutup telinga ak ...♡ Ak harap mg pun buat bende same apabila giliran ak d kutuk, d maki hamun , d cacatkan... boleh?? Aktahu mg boleh sbb mase ak perlukan mg , mg ade d sisi ak .... Mg mmg kawan yg baik , setiap kali ak tngk muke mg hati ak rase tenang je, ak kate dalam hati

ak beruntungnyer ak ade kwn g mg ... kawan yang setia.... tp ade kalenyer ak kate 'tengk tuu ade org care pasal mg, bakpe mg g cari kawan yg suke sakitkan hati mg..., bakpe mg dk puas dengan TAH yang selalu berade di sisi mg'ak menyesal sngt sbb dulu ak pernah lukekan hati mg... ak mntk maaf TAH .... MAAFKAN AK ♡:'(

Making a fresh start..

Now making a fresh start with my new life, new blog and new story

How to make a fresh start

Leave the past where it belongs and take these steps to move forward and start over.
How to make a fresh start
Whether the love of your life has left you, or you've lost your job, here's what to do to move on and be happy.

Learn your lessons

Try to see the experience not as a tragic end, but as a new beginning. The mistakes we make in life can make us stronger and ultimately shape our future.

Take stock

There's nothing wrong with lying low for a while: it's an opportunity to regroup and rethink. If you're newly single, perhaps plan a trip you've always wanted to take. If you've been retrenched, it could mean starting your own business.

Lose gracefully

When you're hurt, it can be tempting to lash out. But the best strategy is to maintain composure and avoid burning bridges. Instead of telling your ex-boss or lover to take a hike, wish them well and move on.

Allow yourself time to wallow

Eat chocolate, watch a sad movie, call your friends. Write a letter and burn it. Get it all out. But put a time limit on how long you'll do this for because this behaviour gets pretty counterproductive after a while.

Leave the past behind

It's only natural to put emphasis on your negative experiences, but reliving the past is only torturing yourself because it's not where you're going. That energy is better spent investing in your future.

Forgive yourself and others

Holding a grudge or beating yourself up will ultimately only weigh you down. Forgiveness isn't about being weak or allowing anyone to "get away" with anything, it's about setting yourself free.

Focus on being happy

Regardless of what's happened, there are plenty of ways to find a little joy. Go for a walk, call your mum, sit in the sunshine or share a meal with a friend. And above all, take life one day at a time. <3 <3